Episode 10




What’s that flying through the air, making big things happen with ease and flow?

It’s a bird, It’s a plane…ahh! It’s you!

When was the last time you felt disciplined and followed a schedule so you can meet your big goals?

How about feeling incredibly confident and courageous, ready to talk to new people and connected to your inner power?

In those moments, you were working full steam ahead from your solar plexus chakra! This chakra is associated with the element of fire! Now we're bringing some power, strength, and energy into the chakra system. 

Welcome to episode 10 of Chakra Talk! In this episode, I’m continuing with part 3 of our 7-part  meaning of the 7 chakras series!  I’m explaining how a balanced solar plexus chakra is all about getting things done! 

I’m explaining the solar plexus meaning, how to spot a blocked solar plexus chakra (and how to balance it), and the solar plexus chakra location!

Also, our friends the Chakra Kids come along for the ride as we explore all the benefits and shadow side of this chakra! 

It’s time to get your superhero cape, and feel strong and capable!

Dream big, magical one!


Want to introduce your kids to the world of spirituality and mindfulness? 

Grab my free chakra balancing guide with 108 ideas to engage your kids in a fun and meaningful way here!

Loving this episode and want to find more mindfulness activities for kids? Grab a grown-up and let’s connect!

Instagram: @campchakrakids

Facebook: Raising Chakra Kids 

Youtube: Chakra Kids 

And whenever you're ready for more you can join Camp Chakra Kids and hang out with the Chakra Kids for some chakra balancing fun! They will help you make every day an adventure in happiness. Click here: Learn more about Camp Chakra Kids!

  • Hi there, Chakra Kid! The adults in your life love you so much, and that's why they sent you here. They want you to discover all of the magic in the universe, but sometimes they have a hard time explaining it to you, so they sent me to show you the way. Think of me as your mystic guide. I will not only help you discover the tools you need to navigate your path, but also when and how to use them. I'm currently a licensed intuitive therapist and magical wizard that helps kids like you connect to your inner power, listen to your heart, and share your voice so you can grow up living the life of your dreams. So grab your favorite snack and get cozy. Invite your grown up to share in the fun, because mystical magical adventures are about to begin.


    Hello, and welcome back to Chakra Talk. We are at episode three of our chakra series, and today we're talking about the Solar Plexus Chakra. Yf you haven't already, go ahead and grab a grown up and have them download your free guide to 108 Ideas For Balancing Your Chakras. It's something that I'm going to be referring to throughout and where you'll be able to get all of these ideas that I'm sharing and much more all in one place.


    Today, we are talking about the third chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is our power chakra. It's associated with the color yellow. It's located in our upper belly, and it's associated with the elements of fire. Now, we're bringing some power, some strength and some energy into the whole system.

    Now, when your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, you will feel confident, you will feel more outgoing and courageous to try new things to talk to new people. You will feel connected to your inner power, and you will be able to feel disciplined and follow a schedule so you can meet your goals, be organized and disciplined, and take action towards your goals.


    When your solar plexus is out of balance, then that's where I have shared with you that there are shadow emotions to each one of the chakras and the Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with anger. When your Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance, you might be getting angry more easily. You also might not feel confident, you might have a lot of self doubt, not really believing in your abilities.

    You might not feel connected to a sense of power, so you might feel weak or that other people are more powerful than you or better than you. It's hard to have that discipline and to be more fierce and organized reaching your goals.


    Something I want to make sure to mention is that we're talking about how these areas can get out of balance and how you can balance them. I want to make sure that it's clear that your chakras becoming imbalanced is very normal, it's a completely natural thing that's always going in and out of balance.

    That's why the chakra system was initially even used and was identified as a practice in ancient India by the yogis. It’s because things happened in our life and because we go through our daily life and have different challenges and different things that come along and cause our energy to be lower or to feel stuck or things to happen to have our emotions get out of balance, that we need to have a practice built into our daily lives to balance that energy and to balance those emotions.

    It's absolutely normal when you're listening to this. If you're like, “This chakra is out of balance. Why does this always feel like this?” Or, “This one was out of balance one day and now this day, the other one is. Is there something wrong with me?” I just want you to know that that is not the case.

    This is something completely normal. All of our energies are always kind of going in ebbs and flows like waves. By learning these different tools and learning about the different things can take our energy out of balance, then we can be empowered to use the tools that are the fit for us to bring us back into balance.

    How do we balance the Solar Plexus Chakra? Well first, we're going to talk about your friends, the Chakra Kids, your Solar Plexus Chakra guides. Now we have Mani and Jai as our chakra guides. Mani and Jai are your guides to feeling strong and motivated. They help you feel confident, they help you gain courage to try new things and reach your goals. They also help you learn how to manage anger when your fiery feelings get a little bit too intense.

    When you get to know Mani and Jai as your friends and your guides, you're able to work towards your goals with that discipline and reach them step by step. You're able to overcome challenges without letting them get you down. You're not afraid to try new things. You're feeling courageous and powerful.


    Mani, she has the spirit animal of Ravi the Tiger. You get that powerful energy of a tiger along with the energy that she shares with you. Her magic tool is her fire staff. And her power is that she wields that fire to blaze a path towards your goal so you can just see it crystal clear right in front of you. She also has extraordinary strength.


    Then we have Jai who has Kali the Jaguar as his spirit animal. He’s also powerful, but kind of a little bit more like a calm power. I think there's a difference in the power of a jaguar and the power of a tiger. What I love about the different kinds of tools is that everything has a little bit of a different kind of energy and a frequency and can help you in different ways.

    Jai’s magic tool is his skateboard. It can have flames actually flying out of it when he's going super fast. And he can travel at extraordinary speed with his skateboard and also solve problems and get things done pretty much just as quickly.


    When would you want to hang out with Mani and Jai and balance your Solar Plexus Chakra? It’s when you need confidence to try something new or take a risk, when you're working towards a goal, especially when you need that extra push at the end to really keep the energy high and make that goal happen.

    It’s when you need some extra grit and resilience to not only get through a challenge, but to keep going through the challenge once you're challenged and to not give up. It’s when you need courage and a boost of energy to make things happen when you need confidence to take action. When you're wanting to feel more confident and powerful and more sure of yourself, that's when you might want to hang out with them and use some of your Solar Plexus Chakra tools.

    Some chakra balancing tools for the Solar Plexus Chakra are simply trying something new. Is there something new that you've wanted to try and maybe you haven't yet? Maybe now is the time that can really increase your inner power. By setting a goal and working towards it, you can build your strength in this area.

    I really love to use music for the Solar Plexus Chakra. If you don't, it could be fun to explore. I feel like many of us have some songs that are our go-tos, like our favorite songs that help energize you or that you love to dance to and really get you excited. Making a playlist of all of those songs so you could put them on anytime when you want to feel powerful and you want to feel energized, that's a great way to balance your Solar Plexus Chakra too.

    Any kind of thing that brings your heart rate up like running, swimming, or playing a sport, those things can be great too. If you'd like some more adventure sports, you can try some of those as well. I just thought of this too, going to a trampoline park. My daughter likes to go to those, and so that's definitely a Solar Plexus Chakra activity.

    It’s anything that can help you get in the mode of connecting or feeling like a superhero. The chakra kids are superheroes and I actually created them so we can kind of expand. Not every superhero is like, “I'm strong, powerful and fiery.” There's a lot of different kinds of power, but the traditional superheroes that might come to your mind, those really have kind of a Solar Plexus Chakra energy towards them.

    If you can give yourself a superhero name or stance like a superhero, or give yourself what your magic power would be, those can help increase a sense and a feeling of inner power inside of yourself and help you balance your Solar Plexus Chakra.

    You can also connect with the elements of fire as a way to balance the chakra so always get support and help for this. I don't want anybody out there lighting fires on their own. Maybe getting support from family and having a little fire in the fireplace or lighting a candle those are some great ways to connect with fire energy.


    The energy of the sun too is also something connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra. If you can go out and soak up some sun, that's a great way to get this area balanced too. I thought it would be fun, I just thought of a favorite Solar Plexus Chakra tool and I'll leave on this one, I'll end on this one because it might be something you can just go right out and end this episode and immediately go do it in an open space, an area where people won't be disturbed.

    It's based on the idea of primal screaming, which is a kind of a practice where you do just that, you scream. You scream as loud as you possibly can to get all of that energy out as powerful and as fierce and as bold as you can. I'm going to challenge you to do that. Find someplace outside, bring your family and go and shout as loud as you can and increase that Solar Plexus Chakra energy and get that area fired up. I will see you here next time where we're going to be talking about a little softer of an energy in the heart chakra. Until next time, dream big, magical one.


    Did you feel the magic? I sure did. If you had fun on this adventure, ask a grown up to connect with me on my website, InnerRainbowProject.com. When they join my email list, I'll send you a free guide of lots of fun chakra balancing ideas to explore. If you love this episode, I'd be so grateful if you leave a review, because that helps spread the metrics to others. Let's continue this journey to happiness together.


Howdy, I’m Juliana!

I’m a mompreneur who’s been studying what it takes to grown an online business and I’m on a mission to teach moms how they too can start successful online businesses! 


Episode 11


Episode 9