Episode 15

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Welcome to episode 15 of Chakra Talk! In this episode, I’m sharing how learning about the chakra system can help you identify your strengths and superpowers!


What if I told you that you have superpowers?


Natural gifts that make you imaginative, fun to be around, or really good at achieving your goals?


Well, you do!


Welcome to episode 15 of Chakra Talk! In this episode, I’m sharing how learning about the chakra system can help you identify your strengths and superpowers!


Also, I’m encouraging you to work on the chakras where you’re not as strong- so you can develop those areas of yourself as well!


Remember, your chakras are a beautiful way of connecting with your true self, and a tool to help you share your light with the world.


Dream big, magical one!


Want to introduce your kids to the world of spirituality and mindfulness? 

Grab my free chakra balancing guide with 108 ideas to engage your kids in a fun and meaningful way here!

Activate Your Inner Rainbow book: https://amzn.to/3RK8old

Loving this episode and want to find more mindfulness activities for kids? Grab a grown-up and let’s connect!

Instagram: @campchakrakids

Facebook: Raising Chakra Kids 

Youtube: Chakra Kids

  • Hi there chakra kid, the adults in your life love you so much. And that's why they sent you here. They want you to discover all of the magic in the universe. But sometimes they have a hard time explaining it to you so they sent me to show you the way. Think of me as your mystic guide will not only help you discover the tools you need to navigate your path, but also when and how to use them. I'm currently a licensed intuitive therapist and magical wizard that helps kids like you connect to your inner power. Listen to your heart and share your voice so you can grow up living a life of your dreams. So grab your favorite snack and get cozy. Invite your grown up to share in the fun, because mystical magical adventures are about to begin.


    Hello, and welcome back to the chakra talk Podcast. I'm excited to be here with you today. And we're going to be talking about chakras as superpowers and how you can use your chakras to learn more about your strengths and identify what superpowers you have inside. So if you've been following along for the past couple of months with chakra talk, we've been going on a journey to learn about each individual chakra, and how you can balance them, how you can figure out if they need strengthening and how you can use them to feel balanced and happy. Well another cool thing about chakras is that they can also help you learn more about your strengths. And what superpowers Do you have inside just like the chakra kits. So today I'm going to be talking about what the different chakras look like as superpowers and how you can figure out which ones you are the strongest in. And one of the ways that I did that is I created a fun quiz for you that you can take that's called which chakra kids are you most like. So when you figure out when find out which chakra kids you're most like that's going to be a clue for you that that chakra might be something that you're really strong in and something that you have special superpowers and and that you can use to increase your happiness in your life and also help other people feel happy too. I'm going to leave the link for the quiz in the show notes. But you can also find it by going to inner Rambo project.com/quiz. And I can't wait to hear who you're most like and if it resonates with you, and I hope you have fun taking it. So let's dive into some other ways that you can learn about chakras the superpowers, I first want to start off by mentioning that everybody has chakra superpowers, everybody has strengths and powers and can develop their inner powers in all of the different chakra areas. And just in the same way that everybody has different things. They're good at different things, they struggle with different things that they care about and are passionate about. And everybody has different natural abilities. So you'll also have certain chakra areas that you're the strongest and that you're more strong in and that really show you about where your strengths are. And so another thing that really is important to note is that any of these struggles or any of the superpowers that you have that you might notice that other people struggle with or aren't as strong. And it doesn't mean anything about you being better than that person or something that you need to hide because that person will also have special powers and special magic in areas that you're not as strong in. And that's what's so beautiful about us connecting and being connected and helping each other because we can benefit from each other's powers and help each other out with the things that were the strongest them. Now I'm going to take you on a little walk through all of the different chakras, and share what it might look like some examples of what it looks like when you have superpowers in that area. And when you're listening to all the different examples, you might start to see yourself in some of the examples and think oh, that sounds like me. Or it might be someone that you know, a friend, a family member, or maybe somebody that you admire for something of quality that you look up to in them. So to start out with the Root Chakra, our base or the root of our body and our connection to the earth. The root chakra is all about connecting with nature and our family, our ancestors, and being able to use the earth and connect with the earth I think of it as a friend. And so when I was thinking about this episode and sharing different examples and different ways that a superpower and a different chakra area could look, I thought of the different people that I think of that have superpowers in that area. So when I was thinking of the Root Chakra I thought of my brother, my brother is a farmer in Maine. He


    grows all different kinds of plants and trees and fruits and he built his own house. And I do not have skills in such that area. So the what I just described is definitely someone who has superpowers in the Root Chakra area. So really connected with the earth just has a natural ability to be with the earth and be totally okay. And so the story that came to me is both my brother and I were blessed to have the opportunity to go on a trip called Outward Bound. And Outward Bound is where you go out into the wilderness, and you have to carry everything you need, you have to put up your campsite. Every night, you have to carry all of the food, everything, all of your supplies, and you have to cook all different things you have to hike. And it's quite an adventure. So for me, I went on this trip, and still to this day, this was over 20 years ago. It's one of the most challenging experiences of my whole life, it was very difficult for me, I made it through, I'm proud that I went through it. And I built my powers in the Root Chakra area by going on this trip by learning all of these things, but it was very difficult for me, I had fun, and it was also very challenging. My brother, on the other hand, goes on a similar trip. And to him, it was like a vacation. It was he's just out there hanging out in the woods, having the best time hiking, making his own food, all the things I described very similar. But to him, it was natural, it was fun, there was not really as much of a challenge for him. And so that's shows you that that is where your superpowers lie. So my younger brother Jacob definitely has some really strong powers in the Root Chakra area, and more so than I do. But a story also highlights that I can also build my powers in that area. And so you can as well, a couple other ways that a chakra superpower would come out in the Root Chakra area would be if you're really good at helping someone feel safe and comfortable. And if you are able to feel safe and comfortable, even when you're not at home, and you're not in your home in your safe space. And so that's an example too, of how each of the chakra kids characters, they have such a strong power in the area that then it becomes magical. And so moola for example, the red chakra grock chakra Kate character, she is so good at helping people feel safe and grounded and comfortable that she's able to grow roots from their feet, grounded all the way down deep into the earth in order to help them feel safe. And so if any of this is resonating with you, or sounds like Hey, that sounds like me, you might have strong chakra powers in your root chakra area. And later on in the episode also at the end of the episode, I'm going to give you a challenge of coming up with your own magical power based on where your chakras superpowers are. So moving on to the sacral chakra, that is where you will have your superpowers of someone who is really joyful and playful and helps others feel that way too. So if you are someone you know, it's kind of like, the life of the party is just what came to me. So someone that can help others laugh and have fun, let go of their worries, maybe you're the one for somebody, when they're around you, they're able to just relax and feel like themselves. Or maybe there's a friend or a family member that when you're around them, you're able to just forget any worries that were in your mind and you're just laughing and you don't even notice how much time has gone by. So that's an example of how your chakra superpowers and your sacral chakra would come out. Next up we have the solar plexus chakra. So what does it look like if somebody has superpowers in their solar plexus chakra, someone that like that is very fiery is the first thing I think of. And that's the element that's associated with the solar plexus chakra. So really confident, maybe brave, maybe it's really they're able to take risks and try new things. And maybe if that's you, you're able to encourage other people and help them feel courageous to try new things. If you have superpowers and your solar plexus chakra, you might be really good at staying disciplined and following your goals. So if you always have lots of energy and you feel really confident and secure about yourself, and you're someone who can help others feel brave and take risks to try something new, then that means that you have solar plexus chakra powers. When I think of someone who has chakra superpowers in the area of the heart chakra I think of someone loving and kind who just naturally thinks of others. So it's not because you're being taught that being kind isn't


    nice thing to do. And that's something that we do to be good people and good humans just have more of a natural desire to want to do that. Knowing that it helps others feel good and a kind of a sense that we're all connected and that being kind to someone is being kind to yourself as well. Someone who has chakra superpowers in the heart chakra might love animals and taking care of animals, taking care of people who are sick, or I think of my daughter a lot. And I think of my nephew when I think of my nephew Quillen when I think of people with strong and powerful heart chakra because they're just naturally drawn to thinking about others, how they can help others how they can make others feel better if they're having a problem. And so if that sounds like you, or someone in your life, then that might mean you have some heart chakra powers are you or anybody you know, the one who will always stand up for somebody if they are being treated poorly, or you're able to stand up for yourself, and speak up and share how you feel. Maybe you're the one who raises your hand the most in class, if you go to school, maybe you love singing, and sharing your voice in that way. So if you know anybody or this sounds like you, then that means that you have superpowers in the throat chakra area. The throat chakra is all about sharing your voice communicating with others. And using that voice to advocate for things and causes like when you go to see an animal shelter, if that really hurts your heart, and you really feel motivated that you want to help the animals. Or if you don't like how people are being treated poorly in school and you want to help so no one feels bullied and everyone feels included, then that's an example of a cause or something. That means that you're an advocate and you want to advocate and help that situation get better by using your voice and using your activism powers. And so that's somebody that has their throat chakra powers really activated and just really strong in that area. Now we are at our third eye chakra, our center that is connected with being calm and being able to be present. And really in the moment, really noticing someone who has powers in the third eye chakra or if you have powers in the third eye chakra area, not only would you be able to be calm and just maybe not feel rushed in life, but also able to see to notice the little thing. So because you're so in the moment, you have the ability to notice things like how beautiful sunset is or if you see a pretty flower on your walk. Or you notice something special going on between people having a nice moment or having a special hug that makes you feel good or, or you notice a group of friends laughing. Or you notice how cool the water sounds when it's coming down the faucet when you're in the bathtub. So all of those kinds of things. Those are examples of being mindful and being present in the moment. And so someone who has superpowers in the third eye chakra area might be really good at that. And now we're at our crown chakra, our final chakra of our little journey through chakra superpowers and the Crown Chakra. Someone with a superpower in the crown chakra area is a big dreamer. And they are able to imagine things that don't exist yet in the world and come up with new inventions and new ideas and new fantasy worlds and open to imagining that there's other universes and that magic could be real, and just someone that's just super open to things that we can't see in our reality yet. And just naturally understand that how big and vast the universe is and how we're all connected together inside of it. So somebody that has those superpowers might help you to dream big. If you have those superpowers you might have a wild imagination, you might help others be able to explore their imagination. And what I've shared with you today are just some of the examples of how you can have superpowers in each of these different areas. So I hope that learning about them, you were able to see yourself in some of the examples and that will help you learn a little bit more about yourself and learn about more about your strengths and how you can use them to help yourself and help others. I have two challenges for you today, in our area of chakras is superpowers. So one of my challenges is for you to figure out a way that you can share one of your superpowers with others. So again, if you're someone that helps people laugh and feel comfortable being themselves then maybe you're going to have that idea that you're going to go out and make someone laugh


    Have today or maybe you're going to give someone a hug that needs it if you're someone who has a heart chakra superpower. So I'm going to leave that creativity up to you. Those are just some examples to get you started. And my other challenge is that I want you to see if you can imagine what your superpower would look like if it became a magic power. And then you had a magic accessory. So each of the chakra kids have a magic accessory that helps them bring their power more to life. So for example, money, the yellow chakra kid has a fire staff. And that helps her she's able to help people blaze a path to their goals and help people get fired up to reach their goals by using the fire staff. And so I was thinking, okay, so what would mine be and I thought of something that I'm good at, that's a superpower of mine is helping people feel comfortable being themselves. So then I imagined that I have a star and open star tattoo on the inside of my arm. And so I've imagined this for a long time. But now I've combined them together, that I could shoot out a rainbow stream out of the star and that it would help people when I did it would help people feel comfortable to be themselves and kind of turn the place into like a little party. It has been so exciting having a chance to share and hang out with you here on chakra talk. And this is episode number 15. And this is the last episode of season one. So I'm going to be taking a couple of weeks off to put the final touches on my ideas for season two. And I'm really excited to share it with you. So we'll be back around in November. And I have some episodes at bat, oracle cards and yoga. And I'm also in the process of connecting with some people who have special superpowers in different areas and special magic I call it so people that help teach astrology and help teach breathwork to kids and all different kinds of things that I would have loved to have access to when I was younger, and it's a thrill and a pleasure to bring them all to you. So I will be back in a few weeks. In the meantime, you can catch up on past episodes, you can come hang out with the chakra kids on the YouTube channel where you can watch lots of videos and some meditations that help you connect with your superpowers and help you balance your chakras. And I have lots of fun programs and different things you can explore the first chakra kids children's book just came out. So if you want a fun and colorful way to learn about the chakras, and to learn about how they can help you and to go on a little journey where the chakra kids share their magic with you, then you might want to check that out. I'll leave the link for that too. That book is called activate your inner rainbow and I just again have loved hanging out with you and I can't wait to do more and I can't wait to share Season Two with you. So until then, dream big magical one.


    Did you feel the magic? I sure did. If you had fun on this adventure, ask a grown up to connect with me on my website inner Rainbow project.com when they join my email list, I'll send you a free guide have lots of fun chakra balancing ideas to explore. And if you love this episode, I'd be so grateful if you leave a review because that helps spread the magic to others. Let's continue this journey to happiness together.


Howdy, I’m Juliana!

I’m a mompreneur who’s been studying what it takes to grown an online business and I’m on a mission to teach moms how they too can start successful online businesses! 


Episode 14