Episode 14

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Welcome to episode 14 of the Chakra Talk podcast! In this episode, I’m sharing all the crown chakra powers available to you right now!



What would it be like to ride a unicorn to school while eating a delicious ice cream sundae?

How about becoming the first kid president?

Or, solving all of the world's problems with the wave of a magic wand?

Pretty cool, right? Imagining all these BIG things is the work of crown chakra. Today, as we wrap up the meaning of the 7 chakras, we’re thinking about all the amazing things that could be, and allow ourselves to dream.

Welcome to episode 14 of the Chakra Talk podcast! In this episode, I’m sharing all the crown chakra powers available to you right now!

Also, I’m discussing what is the crown chakra, crown chakra healing techniques, and how to identify crown chakra blockage.

We're having so much fun envisioning other worlds and universes!

I hope this journey has helped you express yourself to the fullest, because your true self is unique and beautiful!

Dream big, magical one!


Want to introduce your kids to the world of spirituality and mindfulness? 

Grab my free chakra balancing guide with 108 ideas to engage your kids in a fun and meaningful way here!

Loving this episode and want to find more mindfulness activities for kids? Grab a grown-up and let’s connect!

Instagram: @campchakrakids

Facebook: Raising Chakra Kids 

Youtube: Chakra Kids 

And whenever you're ready for more you can join Camp Chakra Kids and hang out with the Chakra Kids for some chakra balancing fun! They will help you make every day an adventure in happiness. Click here: Learn more about Camp Chakra Kids!

  • Hi there chakra kid, the adults in your life love you so much. And that's why they sent you here. They want you to discover all of the magic in the universe. But sometimes they have a hard time explaining it to you so they sent me to show you the way. Think of me as your mystic guide. I'm not only help you discover the tools you need to navigate your path, but also when and how to use them. I'm currently a licensed intuitive therapist and magical wizard that helps kids like you connect to your inner power. Listen to your heart and share your voice so you can grow up living a life of your dreams. So grab your favorite snack and get cozy. Invite your grown up to share in the fun, because mystical magical adventures are about to begin.


    Hello, and welcome back to chakra talk, we made it to the seventh episode of our journey through the chakras and I am excited to share with you about how to balance and activate your crown chakra. The Crown Chakra is at the top of your head, it's associated with a color purple violet, sometimes people associated with the color white and silver as well. And the element is space. So I like to think of just outer space when I think of the crown chakra. So you're because you're getting towards, it's your closest, it's your closest part of your body towards space and towards other worlds and universes. And so the crown chakra is all about imagination and dreams, and being connected to something higher than ourselves being connected to each other. And when your crown chakra is balanced, you might feel hopeful. And you might feel you're able to really imagine and be imaginative and match in the future that you want. You might feel it, you're able to believe anything is possible and you feel really connected to your dreams and you can dream big you feel that unity and how we're all connected to each other and how there's more similarities between people than differences. And you feel like your wishes and dreams have the potential and the ability to come true. So when your crown chakra is out of balance, you might feel really lonely and disconnected to other people and not like you might be focused on the differences that you have or feeling different than others and not feeling that connection. You don't believe in your dreams and not really able to imagine that the things you really want are possible. You might question your beliefs and your faith. And you might have trouble in using your imagination. And tapping into that envisioning of what is possible for you and your life and what you might want and dream for.


    rara and Taj are your crown chakra guides, and your support in balancing your crown chakra. They are your guides to follow your dreams and using your imagination. They help you believe anything is possible and that you really can make your dreams a reality. They help you envision your future and bring it into reality, and help you see how you are interconnected really with every thing and everyone else in the world. So when you get to know them as your guides and your friends, you know that your dreams are important and that it's important to dream and you believe that you have the power to make things happen in your life and you don't believe there's any limits to what you can do. Rather a spirit animal is Asha the unicorn. And her magic tools are some of the more traditional magic tools that you might see as well as her powers. So she has a magic wand and she also has a crystal ball she can create magic with her wands. She makes wishes come true and she can see into the future with her crystal ball. Tasha spirit animal is Padma. The Pegasus and his magic tool is a crystal sound bowl and he helps people believe in and manifest their dreams with the sound waves from his crystal bowl. He's also somewhat of an alchemist, so he has the ability to make magical potions with his and he holds them in this really beautiful crystal tops jar. When might you want to hang out with the Crown Chakra kids and use your crown chakra tools. When you want to connect with your imagination. When you need help believing in and following your dreams when you feel lonely or disconnected. When you want to believe in what you can't yet see in reality what


    are some good ways to balance your crown chakra. So I love anything related to expand in your imagination. So maybe dressing up on a costume, not on just for no reason. And exploring your imagination that way, you could write your dreams down and try to figure out what they mean, I find that there are so many wild things, my daughter and I love talking about all the different kinds of crazy things that happen in our dreams and trying to figure out what they mean. And see if our dreams are trying to tell us anything, you could create a vision board and a vision board, I actually want to do a whole episode just on creating a vision board, because I think they're so fun. It's where you envision what you want to bring into your life, whether that's the way you want to feel the places you want to go, house that you want to live in something you want to try to learn anything that you want to bring into your life, you can either draw a picture of it, get a picture of something similar, or get a picture of the exact thing, and kind of put it all together as a collage, that is a really great way to balance and to express your crown chakra. You might even find some dreams and some ideas and visions coming through and things that you're drawn to and inspired by that you don't even think of before. So that can be really fun. Visiting somewhere that you've never been is also a really great way to balance your crown chakra. And it's a way to help see how we're connected to other people and to other things. So whether you you might not have the ability to or the chance to go on some trip somewhere far away. And you don't need to be able to do that at all, you can find somewhere right around you that you've never been before you can explore and find, maybe have a challenge with your family to find a new park that you've never seen. And when you're there, maybe talk to somebody that maybe make a new friend on the playground and see what you have in common with each other. Finding out what you have in common with people that are seemingly different from you is also a really great way to balance your crown chakra. You could also use your imagination to design a new invention or to design something totally new. So I used to teach creative thinking. And some of the challenges and the different projects I would give one was design your own school. So if you picture a school and then you get to do anything you want the name of the school, the types of the classes, the way the teachers would be, if there's any homework, do go on trips, where do you sit? What are the classrooms like and just let your imagination totally run wild. I like to suggest things like connecting with fantasy and magic. So whether that's learning magic, reading a fantasy book, or watching a fantasy movie really to help you expand your vision of what's possible. So for my challenge activity, today, I am going to challenge you to envision your future in the exact way you want. And so there's a couple of different ways that you can do this. Or if you come up with your own, then that's the one that I want you to choose. You can make that vision board that I described to you can draw a picture of your future the way that you want it to be. And you can envision yourself 20 years into the future or maybe one envision yourself a week into the future with something really magical and amazing and wonderful happening. So that's up to you also. And my details or my little extra details that I like to add for all my creative challenges are to make sure that you're not putting any limits on your dreams. So for example, maybe in your future, you want to live on Mars and ride a pony to school while you're eating an ice cream sundae.


    And so if that's what you want, I want you to put that even if it's something that you don't think will ever could ever possibly happen because what that's doing is allowing you to expand your vision of what is possible and giving yourself the permission to dream as big and bold as you can.


    So wow, we went through all of the chakras. And I'm so glad that you joined me for this journey through all of your chakras and started to get a sense of seeing like how they all fit together, and how they can help balance each other out from where you have the Root Chakra where you're getting grounded and really being here and in the earth and connected to your ancestors and to your family to what we just talked about.


    A day where we're thinking of things that don't exist yet and have never been possible. And we're envisioning other worlds and universes and opening our minds like that. And so the balance of those along with all the other chakras are what really help you feel full and alive and really express your full and best true self. So I hope that you've enjoyed the journey and that you've gained some new tools for your toolkit along the way. And so next week, I'm going to talk to you about how chakras we're going to tie this all together and help you see how you can use chakras and your chakra balancing tools to not only calm your energy and balance your emotions, but to also enhance your life and to make things happen and to enhance your own strength and your own inner gifts. And so we're going to be talking about how chakras are also super powers next week. So I will see you there and until then dream big magical one.


    Did you feel the magic? I sure did. If you had fun on this adventure, ask a grownup to connect with me on my website inner Rainbow project.com. When they join my email list, I'll send you a free guide of lots of fun chakra balancing ideas to explore. And if you love this episode, I'd be so grateful if you leave a review, because that helps spread the magic to others. Let's continue this journey to happiness together


Howdy, I’m Juliana!

I’m a mompreneur who’s been studying what it takes to grown an online business and I’m on a mission to teach moms how they too can start successful online businesses! 


Episode 15


Episode 13