Episode 13

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Welcome to episode 13 of Chakra Talk! In this episode, I’m sharing everything you need to know about the 6th chakra, and how to balance the third eye chakra. Balancing this chakra offers so many benefits, including the ability to think clearly and follow your intuition.



Did you know you have an inner guidance system called intuition?

It’s something that helps you follow your inner voice and calm your mind. 

As we continue our journey through the meaning of the 7 chakras, we are discovering how the third eye chakra can help you along your path, and help you feel more relaxed and open-minded.

Welcome to episode 13 of Chakra Talk! In this episode, I’m sharing everything you need to know about the 6th chakra, and how to balance the third eye chakra. Balancing this chakra offers so many benefits, including the ability to think clearly and follow your intuition.

Also, I’m sharing how to recognize when your third eye is blocked, and how to balance it. And, of course, the Chakra Kids are here to help you understand how it all works!

I’m offering you so many amazing tools for you to add to your magical tool kit today!

You won’t want to miss these mindfulness activities that are sure to come in handy when you need them most!

Dream big, magical one!


Want to introduce your kids to the world of spirituality and mindfulness? 

Grab my free chakra balancing guide with 108 ideas to engage your kids in a fun and meaningful way here!

Loving this episode and want to find more mindfulness activities for kids? Grab a grown-up and let’s connect!

Instagram: @campchakrakids

Facebook: Raising Chakra Kids 

Youtube: Chakra Kids 

And whenever you're ready for more you can join Camp Chakra Kids and hang out with the Chakra Kids for some chakra balancing fun! They will help you make every day an adventure in happiness. Click here: Learn more about Camp Chakra Kids!

  • Hi there chakra kid, the adults in your life love you so much. And that's why they sent you here. They want you to discover all of the magic in the universe, but sometimes they have a hard time explaining it to you so they sent me to show you the way. Think of me as your mystic guide will not only help you discover the tools you need to navigate your path, but also when and how to use them. I'm currently a licensed intuitive therapist and magical wizard that helps kids like you connect to your inner power. Listen to your heart and share your voice so you can grow up living the life of your dreams. So grab your favorite snack and get cozy. Invite your grown up to share in the fun because mystical magical adventures are about to begin.

    Hello and welcome back to chakra talk. We are here talking about the third eye chakra today on our sixth episode of our journey through the chakras. Your third eye chakra is located right in between your eyebrows, and it's associated with the element of light. And it's all about your intuition and following your inner voice and also calming your mind. So when your third eye chakra is balanced, your mind feels calm, you are able to think clearly, and you feel relaxed, you're able to listen, you're able to hear your inner voice and follow your intuition. And you're also open minded. When your third eye chakra is out of balance, you might be overthinking a lot like that's when you might have like your mind racing. And you might be dealing with negative thoughts. You might be judging yourself or others. And you might also have trouble listening to your inner voice and you get really focused on outside opinions of other people Aashna and Rishi hurt your third eye chakra guides. And I forgot to mention before that the third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo. So the your indigo chakra kids, and they are your guides to learning mindfulness and managing your emotions. They help you calm your mind, build your self awareness, listen to your inner voice and live in the present moment. When you get to know Asha and Rishi as your guides, you know how to calm your mind whenever it feels chaotic. Or whenever your thoughts are going wild, you know how to listen to your inner voice and not be swayed by other people's opinions. And when you feel different emotions, you know the right strategy to use to balance it. So the third eye is also associated a lot of times with all of your different emotions and just motions in general. So as you've been learning that all the different chakras are associated with a specific emotion. But there's also something to learn just about emotions in general, right. And so that's where the third eye chakra guides can come in and help you with that Arjuna spirit animal is vada the animal and she actually has two magic tools. One is her Mala necklace, it helps her really tune in and meditate whenever you're touching it, you're able to be fully in the present moment and fully tuned in. And her yoga mat is fun, because it helps you go actually to the place where you have your guided visualizations. So sometimes in yoga, or in meditation, and something we teach, and I teach in camp chakra kids, is our guided meditations where you're close your eyes, and you'll visualize whether it's a happy, beautiful place, whether it's the most relaxing place, you can imagine, whether it's you reaching a goal successfully, whatever it is, whether it's the best party that you've ever had, whatever it is, if you're sitting on archmages yoga mat with her, or maybe by yourself, then you can be transported to that place in your mind. And so she also has the ability to read minds and understand what underlying motive so like why is maybe somebody doing something, why are they acting a certain way that maybe there's something going on there that isn't as obvious and it's kind of more under the surface. And so Arjuna has the ability to read that Rishi spirit animal is Baba the bat. And his magic tool is a book of knowledge and he can access all of the world's information inside his book of knowledge. That's also his magic power is that he basically just knows everything. So there's a quote actually that it's making me think of that Albert Einstein said, Imagination is more important than knowledge and what I believe that he meant My bet is that imagination is absolute infinite, you can come up with things that have never existed before. And so knowledge isn't everything. But there's a lot to know in this world. And there's a lot of fascinating and interesting things to know. And so that's where Rishi is really specialized that he also does have the power to read minds a little Rishi and Asha are kind of twin souls in a way where they have a lot of similarities. And they're both highly intuitive. So that means that they just have a sense of knowing things without knowing them. When are some good times to use third, eye chakra tools, and to hang out with the indigo chakra kids, when you want to calm your mind, when you're having trouble tuning out other people's opinions when you're finding yourself judgmental about the world about yourself about others, when you simply want inner peace when you want to be present, and relax? What are some good third eye chakra balancing tools that you might want to try. One thing I love for balancing and enhancing the energy of the Third Eye Chakra is to start a journal and to practice journaling. If you haven't already, all you need is a notebook. And you can just go ahead and get started. By just letting your thoughts release themselves. It can also be great to have prompts. But sometimes it can also be good to just release. So even a simple prompt that could help kind of open that up is how are you feeling today? What is something that happened? That excited you today? What is something that threw you off? What is something that was challenging today? What is something that maybe hurt your feelings or something that you struggled with. So having a chance to get those things out are a way to calm your mind and you have a you also just having a journal you know that you have a container for it. So if something goes on throughout your day, or you're just having trouble calming your mind, you know that you have that space to go to and and release some of those thoughts, breathing and meditation and mindfulness. Anything in that area is so supportive of the Third Eye Chakra. So I'm actually going to be doing individual episodes where I'll get a chance to dive in and go a little bit deeper with you about different kinds of breathing exercises, how to breathe different types of meditation and more about actually what mindfulness is. But for this episode, I want to give you just a little bit of tools so you can get started and have something that really empowers you to be able to use when you need and want to calm your mind. For breathing, you can always take three deep breaths. If you feel your feet rooted to the ground, you take your hands and place your palms maybe on the tops of your thighs, and focus on the sound of your breath as you inhale and exhale. That is the simplest one of the simplest breathing exercises that you can do. If you're feeling especially anxious or more stressed than sometimes doing something called a counting breath can be really helpful, where you'll inhale to the count of four, you'll actually hold your breath, hold your inhale in for the count of seven. And then take a longer time than your inhale to release your exhale. So exhale on eight counts. So inhale for holds for seven, exhale, eight. And sometimes I actually have trouble doing the whole for eight exhale. So it's really what is the most helpful, what's the piece that's the most helpful to calm your nervous system with this breathing exercise is that your exhale are longer than your in house. So if long as you find a counting strategy that fits for you, that can also be a really powerful and effective tool for calming your mind and also calming any nerves or anxieties that you ever may be dealing with. For meditating. I don't want to go too much into to meditating and mindfulness and what they are. But I like to think of think of meditating in its essence as a way to calm your mind and be in the present space. So and not be focused on the thoughts be in your body and be in the present moment. So meditating can be where you're seeing that traditional that classic like sitting and maybe doing something with your fingers as are called mudras where you're placing your fingers in a certain In a way, that also supports the energy being calm and balanced. So you can meditate in that way, you can also meditate by walking. And by focusing in on all the beauty that you see, you can meditate while you're doing chores, as long as you're focusing on being being present. And being in the moment focusing on your breathing and not following the thoughts in your mind, and not judging any thoughts that come up in your mind. That's actually one of my favorite definition of mindfulness is to practice being in the present moment on purpose without judgment. So anytime that you are doing that, you are also balancing your third eye chakra. If you've ever had difficulty sleeping, anything that you do that supports calming yourself for sleeping can also be supportive for your third eye chakra. So whether that's having some tea, or some hot water or milk, listening to some calming music, having someone read you a story. And then I also want to include some different ideas for how you can incorporate and kind of live and integrate a calm lifestyle. So you're not always like rushing around and filling yourself with with busyness, which then lends itself to be really thinking a lot. And so some of the fun things are what if you stayed home all weekend, spent the day in your pajamas, not using screens, and really shutting off from more kind of information and ideas and sounds coming in and can be really great. Taking a nap can be something really wonderful and balancing. And I'll end my episode with a little challenge for you. And that is to write a list of ways to calm down when you're stressed. This is especially useful, because when you're stressed, even something really simple can be difficult to remember. So even if taking those three deep breaths helped you it can be difficult to even remember something as simple as that. If going and getting support from and sharing your thoughts with somebody else is what helps you if going for a walk is what helps you those kinds of things can be difficult to remember when you're feeling really stressed. And we can also kind of get in this mindset of nothing is going to help. So if you have this list, and you can just look at it and take action on one of the one of the things that you've already known and you've made the list yourself. So it's not something that I've given you or your parents have given you is something you've made yourself. So that makes it be really empowering. It helps you kind of take it in more easily. And then you have it right at your fingertips anytime you're feeling anxious or whether you just want to feel really calm and have some inner peace. And so I hope again, these challenges have been helpful and that you've been enjoying learning about your chakras and all the different ways that you can balance them. And next week, we're going to be ending our journey with the Crown Chakra. So I will see you here then and until then, dream big magical one did you feel the magic? I sure did. If you had fun on this adventure, ask a grownup to connect with me on my website inner Rambo project.com when they join my email list, I'll send you a free guide of lots of fun chakra balancing ideas to explore. And if you love this episode, I'd be so grateful if you leave a review, because that helps spread the metrics to others. Let's continue this journey to happiness together


Howdy, I’m Juliana!

I’m a mompreneur who’s been studying what it takes to grown an online business and I’m on a mission to teach moms how they too can start successful online businesses! 


Episode 14


Episode 12