Episode 6


Welcome to episode 6 of Chakra Talk! In this episode, I’m explaining how to use crystals in a way you will understand and inspire you to want to learn more!



Do you notice different types of crystals all around your house?

Are they on your parents’ altar, and you have questions about how to use crystals?

Have you heard your parents saying they love using crystals for protection and healing?

You’ve asked them to explain spirituality or crystals and their meaning-, but they aren’t exactly sure how to explain it to you.  I’m here to help! I create mindfulness activities for kids just like you, and helping you understand magical tools is what I do best!

Welcome to episode 6 of Chakra Talk! In this episode, I’m explaining how to use crystals in a way you will understand and inspire you to want to learn more!

 I’m going over different types of crystals, where to find them, and how to replicate the feeling of having crystals even if you don’t have access to them directly.

This is crystals for beginners! I hope this episode gets you excited to learn more!


Dream big, magical one!


Loving this episode and want to find more mindfulness activities for kids? Grab a grown-up and let’s connect!

Instagram: @campchakrakids

Facebook: Raising Chakra Kids 

Youtube: Chakra Kids 

Referenced in this Episode:

- Want me to select a personal crystal just for you? Visit my Etsy shop! Crystal Prescription

The following two are affiliate links, so I should probably add a disclaimer about how I would get small compensation at no extra cost to them if they decide to purchase...

- If you're interested in a starter kit, I recommend the Little Explorers Kit from Whimsy and Wellness: Little Explorers Kit 

I've partnered with Whimsy and Wellness and they've offered Chakra Talk listeners a 10% coupon! You can use CHAKRATALK10 and get 10% off your purchase. 

- If you're looking to learn more about crystals, the history, kinds and how to use them, here's a book I recommend: Crystals and Gemstones for Kids and Teens

Want to introduce your kids to the world of spirituality and mindfulness? 

Grab my free chakra balancing guide with 108 ideas to engage your kids in a fun and meaningful way here!

Relax with this Happy Place Meditation:


And whenever you're ready for more you can join Camp Chakra Kids and hang out with the Chakra Kids for some chakra balancing fun! They will help you make every day an adventure in happiness. Click here: Learn more about Camp Chakra Kids!

  • Hi there chakra kid, the adults in your life love you so much, and that's why they sent you here. They want you to discover all of the magic in the universe, but sometimes they have a hard time explaining it to you so they sent me to show you the way. Think of me as your mystic guide. I’ll not only help you discover the tools you need to navigate your path, but also when and how to use them. I'm Carly, a licensed intuitive therapist and magical wizard that helps kids like you connect to your inner power, listen to your heart and share your voice so you can grow up living the life of your dreams. Grab your favorite snack and get cozy. Invite your grown up to share in the fun, because mystical magical adventures are about to begin.


    Hello, and welcome back to Chakra Talk. Today, we are talking about one of my favorite topics, crystals. There are so many things to talk about about crystals. I am going to do my best to share what I love about crystals and hope to inspire you and open up some different pathways for you to explore and see how they can be a fit in your life. I think crystals are just a way to help us realize how much the world is full of magic and wonder.

    There's just so many different kinds of magic in crystals just in the way that they are inside of all of us. Connecting with crystals is one way to help ignite your own inner magic. Well, I have loved crystals for as long as I can remember. One of my first memories is probably when I was eight or nine and we would go on a ski trip. There would be a store there that had all different kinds of crystals, rocks, and gems. There was this tower with shelves that you would pull out and there would be different kinds and colors of rocks.

    I was especially drawn to these little tumbled stones of different colors. I had no idea at the time, and I still don't really fully understand the science behind crystals. That's something else that you can look into and it's so fascinating. There's a whole science behind it. If that's the way your mind thinks, that's the kind of thing that gets you excited about learning more, then I definitely recommend you look into that.

    Since then, when I started learning more about it and I started looking into all different kinds of information out there online and different books that you can read excerpts of online or get out of your library where you can learn about history of crystals and how they've been used across different cultures for 1000s of years, probably longer across different cultures. Whether it's to cure different illnesses, to use for protection when going out into battle, or to feel a certain way, which is definitely more now in the modern sense. Crystals are used for healing purposes to support emotional balance. There are different crystals and different kinds of crystals that can support you to help you feel different ways that you want to feel.

    How can crystals help you? Why might you want to explore this and look more into this and why might it benefit you to learn about different crystals and see which ones support you in different ways? What they might help you with are different ways that one, you might want to balance your emotions. We actually all need support. We all experience ups and downs with our emotions and so one thing crystals can do to support you is calming your difficult emotions and balancing those out.

    I'll often share a pink opal for calming nerves if you experienced nightmares or difficulty with sleep and having one by your bed so it can support that. If you want to relax and feel inner peace, then you could use a crystal that is related to calming your mind and calming your energy. I like to use blue crystals for that, like a blue calcite or I have an aqua aura in front of me. There are crystals that occur naturally and there are also ones that gain some more magic and gain their special magic by interacting with another substance.

    If I'm remembering correctly, aura is when gold interacts with quartz and it makes this really pretty blue, calming and relaxing color. You also may want to use crystals to promote certain feelings, to help increase ways that you want to feel. I have this really big bumblebee jasper in front of me, and I think that that one is great. It's not one of the most common crystals, it's not as commonly found. I think it only occurs in one place in the world so it's not as commonly accessible, but it helps promote feelings of cheerfulness. So does citrine that helps promote confidence or a tiger's eye, which is a little more dense, which helps build confidence.

    Crystals can also be used for protection. Bringing one with you and having one around you or placing one in the front of your house or your room, something like a darker crystal that absorbs that energy. Like a black tourmaline, or what I'm holding right now is an obsidian that's actually in the shape of a star. The shapes of the crystals add another level to how that energy might support you. I think that being in the shape of a star adds a little bit of a magical kind of a feeling and connection to dreams at the same time as grounding you.

    To share a little bit about the different shapes of them for starting out, I think shapes are super interesting and it adds another level to it. I also love when you're first learning about crystals that sometimes the ones that have been tumbled so they're smooth, those can have a more kind of a simpler and more approachable energy to them som you could really get to know what that crystal might help you with.

    I do think that the shapes of crystals are really fun now. For example, there is a key in front of me. I think of it like a crystal key and I think that is unlocking knowledge. You'll have your own meanings that you make of each one as well that connects you to your own inner knowing. I have a ball here, a sphere that to me, I do recommend resting that on a little thing so that it doesn't roll away. I have it on a little hematite ring. It's a grounding crystal at the same time, but that reminds me of a crystal ball and it makes you think it's kind of magical.

    The crystals themselves form into different shapes naturally. There could be clusters or there could be different points that naturally occur whether that's on one side of the crystal or the other and that has a different kind of energy that it releases and supports you with. Like I said, there are so many things to learn. What I want to do is support you in connecting with some pathways and giving you a little taste of different pieces so you can see what you're interested in and what you might want to learn more about.

    If you don't have any crystals yet and you're interested in getting some or potentially getting some, how do you decide which ones you might want to start with? My overall suggestion beyond anything that I will share specifically is for you to use your intuition to pick, because sometimes even if there's a crystal say that is to support feeling calm, when you hold that crystal, you feel energized or the other way around. My suggestion would be is to follow that.

    That being said, a quartz crystal is a clear crystal. It's known as the master healer because it cleanses all the others and amplifies the energy of all the others. There are so many different kinds of quartz crystals. As far as other ones that I recommend are rose quartz. I think it’s always a beautiful one to have for love, kindness and overall just remembering that you are worthy.

    Something that is for grounding, whether it is like a hematite or a black Tourmaline or smoky quartz I think are great to have too. I think that it is important to make sure that when you're getting crystals, you make sure that the source that you're getting them from, they source the crystals from an ethical place.They have positive energy and intention when they source the crystals.

    I am going to share with you this kit that I love which this company run by a family, Whimsy + Wellness, put together. They go to the Tucson Gem Show themselves and they hand-pick these crystals that they feel confident about and that they also know are meant to support a variety of different things and help introduce you to crystals.

    That's why I wanted to partner with them to offer a suggestion that they put together beginner crystals, which is called the Little Explorers Kit. I think it's really great when you are able to go in person if you do have the benefit of having a local crystal shop near you. Usually, the people who work there are people who own the shop and run it, they will have so much knowledge and suggestions for you about what you might like for what you're interested in bringing into your life and what you're interested in learning.

    What if you don't have that access? What if you don't have the money? I always want you to be able to be empowered to access the energy of the tool to build that toolkit. Even if you don't have access, even if you don't have the ability to get the actual tool itself, you can access that magic. I wanted to share a bit about some ideas for that. One thing you can do is to simply look at pictures online. Say if you wanted support with sharing your feelings with somebody, then you can look online for crystals that help you build communication.

    One that I love for that is blue lace agate, for example. You can look online and see the photos. You can also get a book out of the library that shares about crystals and information. A lot of them have pictures that you can look at. There are all different kinds of books out there that have visuals so you can get that same kind of feeling. You can get the feel of what it is and connect with the energy even if you can't buy that actual crystal.

    A tradition that I love that I used to teach an activity with is a Native American tradition called the wotai stone where there's an idea that everybody has their own power stone out there, their own special stone that they're meant to find.

    I think the larger symbolism that I like to take from that is that you can go out and see just any stone, whether it's on the beach or on the ground, at the park, anywhere you have access to and you can see which one you're drawn to and select that stone and infuse the meaning that you want into that stone, whether it is to increase your self love or to build your courage or to protect you.

    One thing that I wanted to mention about crystals too is how important it is to take care of them. Some ways to clean your stones and to take care of them are to clean them in water, to charge them in the moonlight, which is kind of a more relaxing and more kind of balancing calming energy that you would clean them with. Putting them in the sun would energize them and kind of bring more of a boldness and more of an action and activate them a little bit more.

    Again, there are so many different things to learn. I want to make this short and sweet and give you the tools, one, the inspiration and then also some links and some information to send you so you can figure out how you're going to best use and incorporate crystals if this resonates with you and if this is something that could help you enhance your life and help you feel the way that you want to feel. I will see you next week and in the next episode. Until then, remember how magical you are and let your true self shine as the Chakra Kids would say. I'll see you next time.


    Did you feel the magic? I sure did. If you had fun on this adventure, ask a grown up to connect with me on my website, InnerRainbowProject.com. When they join my email list, I'll send you a free guide of lots of fun chakra balancing ideas to explore. If you love this episode, I'd be so grateful if you leave a review because that helps spread the magic to others. Let's continue this journey to happiness together.


Howdy, I’m Juliana!

I’m a mompreneur who’s been studying what it takes to grown an online business and I’m on a mission to teach moms how they too can start successful online businesses! 


Episode 7


Episode 5