Episode 8


Welcome to Chakra Talk episode 8! This is the first of seven episodes where I’ll be sharing all about the meaning of the 7 chakras! Today, we will talk about how to use root chakra healing with our friends the Chakra Kids!



What if you could add a magical tool to your tool kit that could help you feel grounded, safe, and secure?

Imagine if it could help you feel connected to the earth, your ancestors, and your family just when you need it most?

The chakra system is something that we have spoken about before, and today I’m talking about the root chakra! 

Welcome to Chakra Talk episode 8! This is the first of seven episodes where I’ll be sharing all about the meaning of the 7 chakras! Today, we will talk about how to use root chakra healing with our friends the Chakra Kids!

Also, I’m introducing you to all the amazing benefits of balancing the root chakra, and practices you can use to connect with it. 

Whether it’s taking care of your physical body, or connecting with your family- you will love practicing your own unique root chakra exercises!

Uncovering how to use chakras will be our most powerful journey yet!

Dream big, magical one!


Want to introduce your kids to the world of spirituality and mindfulness? 

Grab my free chakra balancing guide with 108 ideas to engage your kids in a fun and meaningful way here!

Loving this episode and want to find more mindfulness activities for kids? Grab a grown-up and let’s connect!

Instagram: @campchakrakids

Facebook: Raising Chakra Kids 

Youtube: Chakra Kids 

And whenever you're ready for more you can join Camp Chakra Kids and hang out with the Chakra Kids for some chakra balancing fun! They will help you make every day an adventure in happiness. Click here: Learn more about Camp Chakra Kids!

  • Hi there, Chakra Kid! The adults in your life love you so much, and that's why they sent you here. They want you to discover all of the magic in the universe, but sometimes they have a hard time explaining it to you, so they sent me to show you the way. Think of me as your mystic guide. I will not only help you discover the tools you need to navigate your path, but also when and how to use them. I'm currently a licensed intuitive therapist and magical wizard that helps kids like you connect to your inner power, listen to your heart, and share your voice so you can grow up living the life of your dreams. So grab your favorite snack and get cozy. Invite your grown up to share in the fun, because mystical magical adventures are about to begin.


    Hello, and welcome back to Chakra Talk. I'm so excited to be here today and be sharing with you the first of seven episodes where we'll be going on a journey to learn all about your individual chakras. Before we get started, I want to make sure to share a free gift that I have with you today. You'll have to get your grown up to go ahead and download this free guide I have for you, 108 Ways and Creative Ideas to Help Balance Your Chakras.

    I will be referring to this throughout the episodes and sharing some different ideas, but this is definitely something that you're going to want to go ahead and download and enjoy. It's gonna give you all different kinds of fun ideas so you can find the perfect tools for you.

    If you haven't had a chance to listen to episode five where I share about what chakras are, what's the chakra system and why you might want to learn how to balance your chakras, then I definitely recommend listening to that so you have a background and can understand how all of the pieces fit together.

    We're going to start our journey talking about the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine, and it's associated with the color red, and also sometimes browns and earthy colors. It's associated with the element of earth.

    The Root Chakra is all about feeling grounded and safe and secure in your life. When this area of your life is balanced, you might feel safe and secure at home and also out in the world. You might feel comfortable like you have enough of what you need in life to survive, enough food, water, a place to live. You might feel good about your body.

    The Root Chakra is also associated with your physical body and your physical health. That's what takes you around the Earth and what you have to rely on as your initial grounding into the world. You might feel like you belong when your Root Chakra is balanced. You feel connected to the earth and you might feel connected to your ancestors and your family. You might be getting along really well with your parents and feel really connected to your family life.

    Now, if your Root Chakra is out of balance, you might feel fear. That's the shadow emotion. All of those chakras have a different kind of shadow emotion or a difficult emotion that humans experience when that specific area of your life is out of balance.

    You might also not feel great about your body or feel uncomfortable in your body. You might feel physically sick, you might feel insecure. Sometimes if your basic needs in life aren't being met, that can cause the Root Chakra to feel out of balance. You might feel low energy or not really wanting to try new things. You might be experiencing issues with your family or not feeling really comfortable inside your home.

    When you're experiencing these things and when you're feeling out of balance in this area, then those could be some good times to do some Root Chakra balancing practices and I'm going to talk to you about some of the ideas for that.

    I've designed a pretty special way to teach about the chakras and to help you learn how to balance your chakras and that is through some characters I've created called the Chakra Kids. Every part of the chakra kids characters represent some aspect of the chakra that they represent.

    There are two characters for each one of the chakras and everything about them. It helps you learn about the chakra and helps learn how to balance your chakras. Their personality reflects what it's like when that chakra feels balanced and their magic powers reflect kind of what a balancing tool would be taken to a crazy level, a magic level.

    You can learn about your chakras and how to balance them by the clothes that they're wearing, by the magic accessories they have, and by their spirit animals. They also all have a special spiral medallion that they wear and it's located on the area of their body where the chakra is located inside your body.

    Today, I'm going to talk to you about your Root Chakra guides, the Chakra Kids characters who represent and teach about the Root Chakra. Mula and Adi are your red Root Chakra guides, and they help you feel grounded and balanced.

    They help calm your fears when you're scared. They help you feel at home wherever you are. They help you love your body and remember who you really are at your core so you can always feel a sense of true belonging. When you get to know them as your guides and I like to consider them friends, you feel comfortable to be away from your home because you have that sense of home grounded inside of you.

    You can also just think of them and the images of them and think of them kind of by your side as ways to support you and ways to help balance your Root Chakra. When you hang out with them and you are balanced in your Root Chakra, you will feel safe to share how you feel with your family and you'll love your body.

    You won't compare yourself to others and how you look because you'll feel abundant and confident and content with what you already have. You won't feel guilty when you practice self care, because you'll know that that is something that's important and crucial to you feeling happy and healthy and it's something that you deserve.

    You'll know how to feel safe and comfort yourself wherever you are. You'll feel connected to your culture and your ancestors and you'll know how to calm your fears. Mula’s spirit animal is Avani the elephant so when you connect with her, you can also connect with some elephant energy, which is very grounding, patient and stable.

    Her magic tool is a medicine pouch, and she can gather any kinds of herbs or anything she needs from nature. It's an endless pouch, so whatever magic she gathers, it fits in there and whatever she needs, she can get it out from there.


    Mula’s magic power is that she can grow roots that ground people to the earth whenever they need to feel safe and connected to their ancestors and to their culture. Adi’s spirit animal is Bhumi the turtle, which is another great animal energy to connect with to ground your Root Chakra. Turtles are very slow, they're patient, and they're definitely not in a rush. They can help support you in feeling calm and grounded.

    Adi’s magic tool is a shovel. That's his magic power. He can use the shovel to break through any obstacles that might be in your path. Sometimes, he can place obstacles in your path if you need to be grounded and kind of think and be calm and patient a little bit more before you take any steps forward.


    Some good times to hang out with the Root Chakra kids and to use your Root Chakra tools would be if you're taking a trip somewhere or maybe if you're starting a new school, a new class, a new program of some sorts. You don't know anybody there and you're getting used to things in a new place when you're feeling scared or when you're sick or overwhelmed.

    When you feel like you don't belong or when something violent or scary happens in the world and you just want to feel cozy and comforted, those are some great times to use Root Chakra tools. Other than hanging out with the chakra kids and visualizing them in your minds when you want to balance your Root Chakra, what are some other ideas that you can try?

    As I shared, I have a free guide for you that has all different kinds of ideas, and there are different kinds of ideas, one, to have you get a chance to explore and see what you like. Because you might use one kind of tool or another kind of tool at different times, or you might have more than one tool that you like.

    Also because the things that work for you might not be the things that work for your parents or your friends, and so it's important for you to have a chance to really get to explore and see all different kinds of things and what you gravitate towards. You can use that guide and get a bunch of different ideas and I'm going to share some of my favorite Root Chakra balancing ideas with you now.

    As I shared, the Root Chakra is connected with the earth. Anytime that you can connect with the Earth, that's a way for you to balance your Root Chakra. That can be from just going outside and looking at the sun, feeling dirt between your fingers, walking with your bare feet on to the grass. It could be something like watching the sunrise or planting some flower seeds and watching them grow.

    Since the Root Chakra is also connected with taking care of your physical body, then things like getting enough sleep and getting enough water, taking care of your body can also help your body image. Sending love and care to your body, telling your body that you love it, treating it kindly and not speaking negatively or thinking negatively about your body, these are all practices.

    I know some of these things are easier than others. Some people have more challenges that might need to be met with more tools than other people. Some of these might be a fit for you and some of them might not.

    Since the Root Chakra is also connected with your family and your ancestors, another way that you can balance your Root Chakra is by connecting with your family, spending some time with them, maybe having a family game night, maybe learning something new about your culture that you didn't know learning something about your ancestors.

    Other Root Chakra balancing tools that I really love are ones related to feeling cozy and taking care. So whether it's like having a day of just wearing your pajamas or staying in bed and having a movie night. Maybe it's baking your favorite cookies and sweets and so there are different ways to nourish yourself.

    A root-balancing chakra practice could be to create an eat healthy meal. It also can be to have something of a little indulgence so you're getting to have that comfort too. There are different ways that you can nourish your body and different ways that you can balance your Root Chakra.

    Now it's your turn to go ahead and give a try to some of these balancing tools to explore what might have come up for you, things that help you feel grounded and feel safe and secure and connect with your family and your body.

    As I always share, what's most important is finding the tools that are the best fit for you and giving yourself permission to use those and dive into those because you deserve to live the life of your dreams as your full true self. I will see you here next time. We're going to go into the second chakra, the sacral chakra. I will see you here and we'll talk about that. Until next time, dream big, magical one.


    Did you feel the magic? I sure did. If you had fun on this adventure, ask a grown up to connect with me on my website, InnerRainbowProject.com. When they join my email list, I'll send you a free guide of lots of fun chakra balancing ideas to explore. If you love this episode, I'd be so grateful if you leave a review, because that helps spread the metrics to others. Let's continue this journey to happiness together.


Howdy, I’m Juliana!

I’m a mompreneur who’s been studying what it takes to grown an online business and I’m on a mission to teach moms how they too can start successful online businesses! 


Episode 9


Episode 7